Carter Family, Engine 143 (Harmonica Tab) Tabs
Artist/Band: Carter Family Tabs
Song: Engine 143 (Harmonica Tab) Tab
ENGINE 143 Version 2 (with harmonica)
Here is another version of this classic song, with a
melody tab for a C Harmonica. The numbers without the minus
sign means blow, and the ones with the minus sign means
draw(breathe in). Modify it to fit your style of preference
I play it differently than this way myself.
Verse 1:
4 4 4 -4 5 5 5
A-long came the F.F.E.
-4 4 -4 4 4 4
The swift-est on the line
6 6 6 5 6 -6 6
Run-nin oer the C and O Road
D7 G
5 -4 -4 -4 -4 5 -4
Just twen-ty min-utes be-hind
6 6 6 5 6 6
Run-nin into Sou-ville
C7 F C
5 -4 4 -4 4 -3 4
Head-quar-ters on the line
C A7
4 4 4 4 -4 5 5
Re-ceiv-ing their strict or-ders
D7 G7 C
5 5 -4 -4 5 -4 -4
Verse 2:
Georgies Mother came to hime
A bucket on her arm
Sayin to er darlin son
D7 G
Be careful how you run
C C7
Many a man has lost his life
Tryin to make lost time
C A7
And if you run your engine right
D7 G7 C
Youll get there just in time
Verse 3:
Up the road she darted
Against the rocks she crashed
Upsidedown the engine turned
And Georgies breast did smash
His head against the fire-box door
The flames were rollin high
"Im glad I was born for an engineer
On the C and O Road to die"
Verse 4:
The doctor said to Georgie
"My darlin son be stil
Your life may yet be saved
If it is Gods blessed will"
"Oh no" said George "That will not do
I wish to die so free
I wish to die for the engine I love
One hundred and fortythree"
Verse 5:
The doctor said to Georgie
"Your life it cant be saved
Murdered upon a railroad line
And laid in a lonesome grave"
His face was covered up with blood
His eyes you could not see
And the very last words poor Georgie said
Were "Nearer my God to thee"