, The Girl On The Front Row At Fort Worth Tabs
Artist/Band: Hank Williams, Jr. Tabs
Song: The Girl On The Front Row At Fort Worth Tab
The Girl On The Front Row At Fort Worth
Hank Williams Jr.
For all you Texas folks.
(G)We just touched down in ole cowtown
When they told me bout the (D)show
The man said now Hank I'm goin' to the bank
Cause ten thousand tickets done (G)sold
I said that's nice I'll see ya tonight
Put on a hell of a (C)show
The last thing on my mind
Was that (G)I'd ever find
A (D)girl like her on the front (G)row
(G)Oh...(D)the....(G)girl on the front row at Fort Worth
She was a beautiful (D)site
In her boots and her jeans
And her silk blouse
Unbuttoned even lower than (G)mine
The way she made moves to my music
I knew she was an outlaw al(C)right
The girl on the front row at (G)Fort Worth
The (D)lady I'm lovin' (G)tonight
(G)When the show was all done
We started to run thru the backdoor
And out to the (D)car
When who should I see come runnin' up to me
But this angel I'd viewed from (G)afar
What a surprise was her answer to mine
When I said I think I'm in (C)love
She said me too and if (G)I go with you
You'll know (D)what Texas women are (G)made of
(G)Oh....(D)the...(G)girl on the front row at Fort Worth
Now she was a beautiful (D)site
In her boots and her jeans and her silk blouse
Unbuttoned even lower than (G)mine
The way she made moves to my music
I knew she was a woman (C)alright
The girl on the front row at (G)Fort Worth
The (D)lady I'm lovin to(G)night